
  • Release date : Oct 18 2022 - 12:03
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Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences hosted the first Economic Secretary of Italian Embassy

On Wednesday, 20th July of 2022, vice-chancellor of international affairs in collaboration with virtual desk of international cooperation and Turin University organized a meeting at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.

Following the Signing of a MOU between two universities in 2019 in Turin, this program was held for the official exchange of memorandums of medical specialties:  restorative urology, medical genetics, epidemiology of men's health, anatomy and embryology, and immunology. Moreover, a discussion between the directors of Iranian specialties with their Italian counterparts, a brief description of capabilities and interests of each group, as well as the proposed roadmap for future collaborations has been discussed.

In this meeting, Dr. Zali, Rector, Dr. Haeri, rector’s consultant, Dr. Sharif Kashani, International Vice President, Dr. Akhovatian, Development Director of international vice president, Dr. Seyed Jalil Hosseini, Head of the Men's Health and Reproductive Health Research Center and responsible of virtual collaboration desk with Turin, Dr. Ali Del Pisheh, representative of the epidemiology department, Dr. Haj Mollah Hosseini, director of the immunology department, and Dr. Shabani, faculty member of immunology department, Dr. Ghafouri Fard, director of Department of Genetics, Dr. Heidari, Director of the Department of Biology and Anatomical Sciences, and Mr. David Balloni, the First Economic Secretary of the Italian Embassy, ​​were present. The virtual guests of this meeting were: Dr. Antonio Amoroso, professor of medical genetics and Dr. John Remi Fauriat, Head of International Relations of the University of Turin, Dr. Omid Reza Sediq Head of  Urology Department and Regenerative Andrology, Dr. Francesco Novelli, Director of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences Department, Dr. Paolo Gontero, Director of the Urology Department of Molinette Hospital,  and Dr. Lorenzo Riccardi, hdirector of Medical Faculty of the University of Turin.

The meeting started with the official welcome of Dr. Sharif Kashani, following with presentation of Dr. Hosseini about the history of collaborations between Iran and Italy. The Italian counterparts then described their interests and potential capacities for future medical, scientific and research cooperation.

Dr. Zali, honored the presence of Mr. Balloni in the university and considered this program as a valuable and strategic academic event for the continuation of scientific-medical and academic cooperation with the University of Turin. More specifically, he mentioned the important capacities of the men's health epidemiology, medical genetics, and restorative urology and immunology groups.

In the following, Mr. Balloni, ​​thanked Dr. Zali, Dr. Sharif Kashani and Dr. Hosseini for their inviting and also expressed his satisfaction for establishing these collaborations and the signature of the MOUs between Iranian and Italian universities. He emphasized on valuable interactions having been formed between the hospitals of Iran and Italy during the pandemic of Covid-19.

At the end of the meeting, directors of different specialties discussed scientifically with counterparts in the Turin University and introduced the scientific and research capabilities d Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, surprising and giving more enthusiasm for cooperation on the Italian side. At the end of this program, copies of this MOU have been given to Iranian and Italian members by Dr. Zali and Mr. Balloni.

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  • News code : 119084